Which buses stop near the Trixxo Arena and Trixxo Theater?
Several bus lines stop close to the Trixxo Arena.
Bus stop P&R Grenslandhallen
- Line H14 (from Hasselt Station to Kiewit and vice versa)
- Line H15 (from Hasselt Station to Godsheide and vice versa)
- Line H41 (from Hasselt Station to Godsheide and vice versa)
- Line H51 (from Hasselt Station to Rapertingen and vice versa)
Bus stop Provinciehuis
- Line 11 (from Hasselt to Maaseik and vice versa)
- Line 20a (from Hasselt to Lanaken/Maastricht and vice versa)
- Line 36 (from Hasselt to Genk and vice versa)
- Line 45 (from Hasselt to Maaseik/Maastricht and vice versa)
Use the route planner of De Lijn to get the best route to the Trixxo Arena and Trixxo Theater.