Can I easily get from a Park & Ride (P+R) to the venue?
Yes, there are several P+Rs with a direct tram connection to the venue. Use of the tram is free. Your entrance ticket is also valid as a ticket on the trams and buses of De Lijn.
- P+R Merksem
- 685 spaces
- Parking costs 1 euro for one day (24 hours) and 3 euro per consecutive day (24 hours).
- Take tram 2 toward Hoboken and get off at metro stop Sport.
- Or take tram 3 toward P+R Melsele and get off at metro stop Sport.
- Or take a shared bike at Velo Station 207 - P&R Merksem.
- P+R Luchtbal
- 1.700 spaces
- Parking costs 1 euro for one day (24 hours) and 3 euro per consecutive day (24 hours).
- Take tram 6 toward P+R Olympiade and get off at metro stop Sport.
- Or take a shared bike at Velo station 201 - P&R Luchtbal.
- P+R Olympiade
- 195 spaces
- Parking is free for the first 12 hours. After that you pay 2 euros per 24 hours.
- Take tram 6 toward P+R Luchtbal and get off at metro stop Sport.
- Or take a shared bike at Velo station 276 - Corbusier.
- P+R Linkeroever
- 1.500 spaces
- Parking costs 1 euro for one day (24 hours) and 3 euro per consecutive day (24 hours).
- Take tram 3 toward P+R Merksem and get off at metro stop Sport.
- Or take tram 5 toward Wijnegem and get off at tram stop Sportpaleis.